The project Towards Real Maths (ToReMa) started in 2022 with support of the Nordplus programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The project aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning mathematics in the Nordic-Baltic region.
The partnership will build upon the twenty years’ experience of developing and implementing the Thinking Approach to teaching and learning and adapt it to the mathematical instruction in partner countries. The project believes that problem solving lies at the heart of mathematics, therefore the more problem-centred is mathematical instruction, the more "real" it is. The goal of the project will be achieved through the following objectives:
- Dissemination of successful practice of developing problem solving and thinking skills when teaching mathematics in Estonian and Lithuanian schools
- Collection of relevant to life problems aligned with maths curriculum in partner countries and making them available to a wider community of teachers as open educational resources
- Development and testing of instructional materials to support integration of these problems into the learning process.
The main added value of the current project lies in proposing specific open educational resources to maths teachers and demonstrating ways of embedding them into mathematical instruction.
Please contact us for further information.